Countdown to baby!

Countdown to baby!
Gotta snack!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Recalling that first positive pregnancy test

Seems like you been pregnant forever? Yeah, me to.    I vividly recall my immediate feelings when viewing that first positive pregnancy test .  I was ecstatic!  At that moment, I could not have been more happy.  I quickly withdrew that feeling,   I thought, "I need to make sure first."  After all, I am of "advanced maternal age" and a medical history that would suggest I would not have anymore children (I am blessed to have one already).  Four test over three brands later, I accepted that yes, this is happening!

My husband actually suggested that I am pregnant.  I repeatedly  denied that I could be.  He even went out and bough the test!  So the following morning around 8am, I woke up.  He did also, and rushed to asked "Do you have to pee!?"  So yes, I had to go pee.  Opening the test, and expecting a negative reading, I proceed to utilize the HPT he bought.  I waited a minute, as I watched the test turn positive.  I smile, staring at the two lines while pleased and shocked at the same time.  I casually lay the precious stick on the vanity and walked back into the bedroom.  As if he was so sure, he asked what the test showed.  I explained, "well it says positive but that doesn't mean anything.  I should take another one."  Throughout the day, I took three additional test - all positive.

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